Monday, December 12, 2011

Introduction to the Arsenal

Hello, dear readers and welcome to Kalpar's Arsenal. A few of you may already be familiar with me as the editor-in-chief and sometime writer for the blog I Smell Sheep, and believe me, I'm still doing that. However if you've ever visited the flock over at I Smell Sheep you might have noticed the entire blog is a little heavy on the vampires and the romances. Which is fine, you know, if you're Katie or Sharon and like that sort of thing. To state the blatantly obvious, I don't like those sorts of things. So while Katie and Sharon are drooling over the latest alpha male with impossibly perfect abs that came their way, I need to be doing awesome things. Like fighting the followers of Chaos in the name of the Emperor. Or punching Nazis on Mars with Theodore Roosevelt. You know, that sort of thing.

Basically the goals of the arsenal are threefold:
  1. Provide a place for me to write my posts that wouldn't necessarily fit in with the other posts at I Smell Sheep.
  2. Provide an easy place for people to find my awesome hilarity without having to dig through countless romance novel reviews. 
  3. Give me an incentive to write on a regular basis, providing usual posts every Thursday for my two readers. 
Hopefully this blog will provide me a means to grow as a writer, especially by making me meet a self-imposed deadline every Thursday. Also I shall hopefully bring funny or at least interesting opinions to my readers, however few they may be. Anyway, pull up a chair, open a beverage, and welcome to the Arsenal.

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