Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday Reminder: Kalpar's Going to Revoluticon

Okay, okay, I know this basically boils down to shameless self-promotion and messes with the update schedule but I want to get this in before pre-registration closes for Revoluticon this year. As a reminder to my ever-loyal fanbase of....two....I have been invited to speak at Revoluticon this year. Well, okay, I begged them to let me do a panel and after I "removed" some of the competition they decided they could risk letting me speak for an hour on Warhammer 40,000. My panel specifically is going to be a sort of 101-style introduction to Warhammer 40,000 for people who are curious and want to know more about the franchise. I'll be covering a little bit about how to play the game, the different factions you can play as, and then a number of ways you can get involved in 40k, including off of the tabletop. This is in no way going to be as in-depth as the Kalpar Lectures, but I hope I'll be able to give a good cursory introduction. Other than the panel, though, I'll probably just be hanging out at the convention, looking at shiny weapons I can't afford and attending a few panels myself. The Revoluticon staff and I were going to see if we could do some demo-play of 40k for people, but pretty much all my 40k buddies have actual jobs and stuff so no dice on that. Hehe, it's funny because 40k uses dice.

Anyway, for my loyal fans who are not in the Netherlands. (Seriously, I checked the statistics today and after the United States the most pageviews I get are from the Netherlands)  I encourage you all to come out and visit at Revoluticon, the best way is to find me at my panel, which will be in the program. You can pre-register for the the convention, or just show up and pay at the gate but you save some money in pre-registration. As a final reminder, Revoluticon is March 16th-18th and is located at the Ramada Plaza of Columbus, Ohio. Who knows? Maybe I'll see one of you there!

(Don't tell the Sheep, though. I swear if I'm in the same state as Katie I might lose what little sanity I have left.)

- Kalpar


  1. lol, silly Kalpar. She will find you no matter where you are ;)
    congrats on doing the panel. I wish I could be there. Take lots of pics and I look forward to your posts about it.

  2. whoo hoo more shamless plugs!!!!
    and did you really think you could hide this from the flock??

  3. Well...yes. I'm your editor, remember?
